Top 10 Video Games of the Decade!
I really didn't want to make a decade retrospective list. The inexorable march of time fucks me up something serious. Not the idea that something bad will happen in the future, but knowing that something, anything will invariably happen as anything and everything already has. Time stalks me like a flame, nipping at my spine. Why are we cosigned to become the dust we came from? But then I remembered that there were some pretty neat things this decade! So I'm making some Top 10 lists, starting with video games, and then moving onto movies, albums and NFL moments. To disclaim, this is going to be a subjective list of stuff based on its personal impact. So I'm not measuring on any basis of "greatness" or "influence" (although I'd like to think some of these entries have those qualities!). I've placed entries on here because I think back on them and they make say "Yooooooooooooooooooo, that was crazy." I also recognize the ...